An Evolution in Data Security

RUBIDEX™ uses a patented process to store data in a zero-trust encrypted data lake.  Data remains encrypted at  all times, in transit, in session and in storage.
Distributed encrypted data solutions

Eliminating the database

RUBIDEX™ uses a patent pending process allowing for decentralized data storage, access and protection. The functionality of a database combined with the protections of a blockchain. By eliminating the use of a database, we can decentralize and distribute data; leaving data encrypted at all times.

Beyond Data Protection

The RUBIDEX™ System

RUBIDEX™ is a cutting-edge software development platform with multiple pending patents. RUBIDEX™ is a database replacement platform that decentralizes data storage, access and protection. RUBIDEX™ combines the functionality of a database with the protections of an encrypted blockchain.

Why Choose RUBIDEX™?

You can only protect your data if you change the way you store and encrypt your data. This requires a "ground-up" paradigm shifting concept of how data is used.

• Synchronized Encrypted Data Lake
• Immutable Data Protection
• Encrypted Data Access
• Unified File Structures
• Simplified Enterprise-Wide Data Access

The Benefits

When you change how you store data you no longer have OT data or IoT data. You simply have data. Data that can be seamlessly accessed by any department with the use of a simple form.
Encrypted Data Lake: Data resides in a unified encrypted state while RUBIDEX™ indexes and searches in real time.
BI Analytics: RUBIDEX™ performs analytic functions as it decrypts data in real time to provide critical insights.
Ransomware: Our system self heals making ransomware a thing of the past.
Data Theft: Data resides on multiple nodes throughout your network making it nearly impossible to delete data.

Solutions and Benefits

Global Network
RUBIDEX™ Enterprise data solutions.
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Internet of Things (IoT)
RUBIDEX™ IoT and SCADA solutions.
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System Backup
RUBIDEX™ Data Protection solutions.
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RUBIDEX™ Secure Communications solutions.
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Advanced Search Capabilities.
File Synchronization
Auto Data Synchronization.
Advanced User Control Settings.
Live Time Business Analytics.


RUBIDEX™ CORE is an API driven platform. It is a fully synchronized, distributed block chain-based software. The patented technology ensures that corporate enterprise data remains fully encrypted through every segment of the data lifecycle from; creation to transmission, session, storage and use. The data blocks are stored in multiple locations remaining fully secure from outside access, manipulation or deletion.

For both OT data and IoT data, RUBIDEX™ delivers a robust, high performance storage and data processing solution by receiving the continuous flow of data in encrypted form from IoT sensors, client records, legal documents, financial loan applications, utility bills, tax records, deeds, car titles etc. Now all of your data can be protected inside of a scalable decentralized data storage system. Every record is individually protected, decentralized and distributed.